Contributory Parent Visa


Various Federal Legislative Instruments[1] have now been issued which set the cap for the permanent residence Contributory Parent visas for 2007/8 and all the visas pursuant to that cap have now been allocated. The DIAC Media Release of 11.4.08 stated:


The total planning level for Contributory Parent visas for 2007-08 is 3500.


The visa subclasses and the new caps are as follows:

Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) (Class UU(T)) (Subclass 884): 29

Contributory Aged Parent (Class DG (P)) (Subclass 864):                300

Contributory Parent (Temporary) (Class UT (T)) (Subclass 173):      650

Offshore Subclass 143 – Contributory Parent (Class CA (P)):         2521


The Legislative Instruments however exempt applicants for the permanent residence visas who already hold the corresponding temporary contributory parent visa or a substituted Subclass 676 visa, from the cap. In other words, the temporary contributory parent visa holders can move to permanent residence by paying the next contribution without worrying about the cap.

Some easing of parent visa requirements

For the purpose of applying for subclass 143 contributory parent visa the Minister can now deem someone to be the holder of a subclass 173 visa.  The following is added to the interpretation provision[2]:


In this Part, a reference to an applicant who is the holder of a Subclass 173 (Contributory Parent (Temporary)) visa means a person:

(a)who, at the time of application, holds a Subclass 173 (Contributory Parent (Temporary)) visa; or

(b)who has held a Subclass 173 (Contributory Parent (Temporary)) visa at any time in the 28 days immediately before making the application; or

(c)in relation to whom the Minister is satisfied that compassionate and compelling circumstances exist for the person to be considered to have been the holder of a Subclass 173 (Contributory Parent (Temporary)) visa at the time of the application.

The same applies to the subclass 864 visa.

Carer visas

Assurance of support no longer needed

From 1.1.08, an assurance of support is no longer needed for the subclass 116 and 836 carer visas (done via the Migration Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 14) dated 17.10.08 Schedule 4). This affects all visas granted after 1.1.08 even if the application was lodged before that date.


[1] They are IMMI 08/007, IMMI 08/008, IMMI 08/009 & IMMI 08/010, all dated 3.4.08.

[2] Migration Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 10) dated 6.9.07.

Barbara Davidson