Fringe Benefits Included 457 Salary
A very sympathetic decision, the MRT in Tuitubou 071415628 [2008] MRTA 387 (9.5.08) found that the indirect payments by a church would enable it to meet the minimum salary requirements:
27. In assessing the boarding costs, for example, YWAM has taken into account what the actual cost of rent in Perth currently is The Tribunal considers this to be a legitimate means of assessing the true value of the subsidies provided in relation to the cost of accommodation and other costs and services provided to the nominee. The Tribunal is satisfied that taking into account the actual costs of services and accommodation, that YWAM had initially underestimated the true value of its contribution to the sustenance of the visa applicant. Covering food services and meals, property services including cleaning, repair and maintenance, security, insurance, entertainment/recreational facilities and domestic and international travel and professional training, YWAM has set out that the total cost for the applicant would be $49,09064. Given the detailed information provided by YWAM as concerns to each of the services provided, the Tribunal is satisfied that this is a more accurate representation of the living costs for the nominee annually. This being the case, deducting the contributions by the applicant to board which is $70 per week or $3,640 per annum still leaves $45,450 provided by YWAM directly to the applicant by the organisation.