Occupations Still Come & Go From MODL
12 occupations have been added to the MODL[1], including 5 Computing Professional specialisations, Electronics Engineer, Optometrist and Dental Technician, as well as the trade occupations of Binder and Finisher, Landscape Gardener and Tree Surgeon. The 5 computing professionals all ASCO 2131-79 are those specialising respectively in Data Warehousing, Linux, Net Technologies, Solaris & Unix. Computing Professional – specialising in Sybase SQL Serverhas been removed from the MODL.
Note that in 2006, Reg 2.26AA was amended to add the following:
(5) In working out the number of points to be given to an applicant for Part 6B.7 of Schedule 6B, the Minister must have regard to whichever of the following is more favourable to the applicant:
(a)the occupations that were specified as migration occupations in demand at the time the application was made;
(b)the occupations that are specified as migration occupations in demand at the time the assessment mentioned in s 93(1) of the Act is made.
So the above means for example that an applicant nominated Computing Professional – specialising in Sybase SQL Server before 7.5.08 in his or her application that person would still get the MODL points.
The MODL is reviewed twice a year but this does not mean that the MODL is changed twice a year.
But the big recent change as far as the MODL is concerned is that MODL points will only be available to those with work experience[2]. Here is what the new para 6B71 says for gaining 20 MODL points:
The applicant:
(a)has nominated a migration occupation in demand in his or her application; and
(b)has been employed in that skilled occupation, or a closely related skilled occupation, for a period totalling at least 12 months in the 48 months immediately before the day on which the application was made; and
(c)has an offer of full‑time employment in that occupation in an organisation that had at least 10 full‑time employees at all times in the 24 months immediately before the day on which the application was made
The applicant will get MODL if the applicant does not have a job offer but he or she still has to meet the work experience requirement.
[1] Legislative Instrument IMMI 08/034 dated 7.5.08
[2] Migration Amendment Regulations 2007 (No 7) 1.9.07