Using the Specialisation in the ANZSCO


The specialisations contained in the various occupational definitions are a very useful font of flexibility in the ANZSCO. The specialisations can be used as occupations for the purpose of a visa application or a nomination. It is permissible for example to use the occupation Corporate Planning Manager 132411 instead of  Policy & Planning Manager 132411.

Let’s take the example of the Policy & Planning Manager 132411.

Here is what the ANZSCO defines as the tasks for that occupation :

    • developing, implementing and monitoring strategic plans, programs, policies, processes, systems and procedures to achieve goals, objectives and work standards
    • developing, implementing, administering and participating in policy research and analysis
    • coordinating the implementation of policies and practices
    • establishing activity measures and measurements of accountability
    • overseeing and participating in the development of policy documents and reports
    • consulting with and providing expert advice to government officials and board members on policy, program and legislative issues
    • representing the organisation in negotiations, and at conventions, seminars, public hearings and forums convened to discuss policy issues

But there are then both alternative titles and specialisations to this occupation. The alternative title is ‘Public Policy Manager’ where the tasks are described in total as :

Plans, organises, directs, controls and coordinates policy advice and strategic planning within an organisation.

Then the ‘Specialisations’ are listed as :

Corporate Planning Manager or Strategic Planning Manager

It is permissible to list an occupation in both a nomination and a visa application as a Corporate Planning Manager or a Strategic Planning Manager using the ANZSCO code of 132411.

In the AAT decision of  JKL Group (Aust) Pty Ltd was particularly influenced by these specialisations in determining that the position was a genuine position for the purpose of Reg 5.19(4)(h)(i), which requires the tasks to be performed in the position will be performed in Australia and correspond to those of an occupation specified by the Minister.  The AAT noted :

45…it was persuaded that the majority of the tasks to be performed in the position, in the context of the nominator’s business activities, sufficiently match the tasks of the nominated occupation of Policy and Planning Manager, and particularly within the specialisations of Corporate/Strategic Planning Manager. The Tribunal was satisfied on the totality of the evidence that the tasks of the position will involve planning, organising, directing, controlling and co-ordinating the Group’s research and advice on which it formulates its strategic investments in Australia.


The tribunal also accepted that ANZSCO definition should not be used ‘prescriptively’. The ANZSCO  itself contains this warning under the heading, ‘INTERPRETING ANZSCO OCCUPATION DEFINITIONS’ :

The allocation of a particular occupation to a particular skill level should be seen as indicative only and should not be used prescriptively.

…..The descriptions are, therefore, only a guide to the tasks undertaken and skills involved in various occupations and are not a definitive statement of what is required.

Worth exploring for example are the specialisations for 131112 SALES AND MARKETING MANAGER which are Business Development Manager or Market Research Manager.

Another example is 225113 MARKETING SPECIALIST where the ‘alternative titles’ are :

Marketing Consultant or Marketing Coordinator or Marketing Officer

The duties are :

Identifies market opportunities and advises on the development, coordination and implementation of plans for pricing and promoting an organisation’s goods and services.

‘Specialisations’ are as follows :

  • Brand Manager
  • Category Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Sales Promotion Office

Each of either the alternative titles or the specialisations could be used to adjust the position to suit the nature of the particular workplace and the particular positions.

Look also at 224999 INFORMATION AND ORGANISATION PROFESSIONALS NEC where the specialisations are :

  • Electoral Officer
  • Knowledge Manager
  • Lobbyist
  • Museum Registrar
  • Procurement Specialist

Here one can see an equally broad range of occupations and flexibility which may not be apparent on the surface. Again one goes back to what the ANZSCO is, which as stated in the heading the heading, ‘INTERPRETING ANZSCO OCCUPATION DEFINITIONS’ :

“The definitional material describing each occupation is intended primarily as an aid to interpreting occupation statistics classified to ANZSCO.”

In this context the ANZSCO is not meant to be and is not a straight jacket.

Barbara Davidson